Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ten Reasons Why I'm Cool

This is my "Don't Touch My
Popcorn" face. If you think I'm
kidding, just try me. You'll
probably lose a finger.
Possibly an entire hand.
 1.   I can eat my body weight in popcorn. (Anyone who has ever gone to a movie with me knows how dangerous it is to try and take the bucket of popcorn out of my hands. Many have tried. All have failed. I went on a first date with a guy who wouldn't let me hold the popcorn... Needless to say, it was our only date.)
2.   I still get excited when it's my birthday. (Doesn't everyone?)
3.   I know the words to "I Think I Love You" by The Partridge Family. (This is only cool if you are a member of The Partridge Family or a member of The Partridge Family Fan Club... of which I am neither.)

Mine is like this, but greeeeeen.
How cool is that?
 3.   I own a green t-shirt with the Millennium Falcon on it. (I know, I know...you are really jealous.)
4.   I am a Ninja. (But don't tell anyone.)
5.   I have driven a car in Guatemala City...and survived. (Even worse, I have ridden in a chicken bus from Guatemala City...and luckily survived.)
6.   I believe a really good grilled cheese sandwich can cure any illness. (Well, unless you are lactose intolerant...)
7.   I can recite almost every word in the movie "The Princess Bride." ("Anybody want a peanut?")
Yes, this size of spider is worthy
of my fear. (The one on the left,
that is. The "spider" on the right is
Joel's hand, demonstrating what a
big-ass spider this is.)
8.   I have climbed 4 volcanoes and have poked at lava with a stick. (It's gooey like Silly Putty, but much, much hotter.)
9.   I am not afraid of spiders. (Unless they are reallllly big.) (And have fangs.) (And growl.)
10. I know how to use a chainsaw. (It's fun for the whole family!)

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