Due to this apartment ranking high on the Crap-O-Meter (we don't call it "Casa de la Caca" for nothing) and also because the landlady's son is a EVIL D-bag who tries to make everyone's life miserable, we will be leaving at the end of this month.
Do we have a new place to live yet? Noooo. Are we worried? Slightly. Have we been looking? Oh yes indeed!
We've seen a wide range of living arrangements -- from "apartments" (and I use that term loosely only because calling it a "prison cell from Alcatraz" might have offended the lady who showed it to us) that had a piece of plywood for a door and a chain and padlock for a door lock, to places with beautiful views, glassed in patios, and community pools (which were about 10x out of our price range)... We've seen it all.
It's depressing to say this, but the place we will probably end up is a first floor apartment that has ONE small window in the entire place. It's super cheap, it's only a few blocks from where we currently live, and it's NEW. Yes, it's decent inside and has new appliances and all that stuff, but DAAAAMN, it's going to be like living in a cave. Joel and I will have to start calling ourselves Pebbles and Bam-Bam. And here's another unsavory fact about the possible new apartment -- you have to walk through someone else's house (the kitchen, to be exact) to get to ours. Eeeew. I'm not too keen on that idea. I hope-hope-hope the neighbors don't like to cook in the buff. I reeeeaaaally don't want to get to know them that well. And you should never really cook in the nude anyway -- I mean, grease burns hurt enough when they land on your bare
hands... OUCH.
In the meantime, enjoy the following pictures of our soon-to-be ex-apartment.
Notice how the light switch is inside the shower?
Yep, safety is our #1 concern here in Guatemala...
Plus, you have to swivel your way through the tiny bathrooom
in order to get to the bedroom. Convenience is
our #2 concern here in Guatemala... |
These curtains are just overgrown lace doilies. They are perfect
for an exhibitionist who wants to be seen naked in their house, while
maintaining their innocence... "I don't know how they saw me naked!
I do have curtains on my windows, you know..." Riiiight.
The only room without these curtains is the bedroom which has striped red
"velveteen" curtains, which were most likely purchased when Hugh Heffner
had a garage sale at the Playboy Mansion. |
Yes folks, THIS is our super-comfy (ha!), super-plastic,
circa 1965 plastic lawn furniture sofa. This is really cool
patio furniture, but it's terrible for a living room. We'd love to
move this to the roof but the landlady would have a cow.
(Not shown are the two matching chairs.)
(Yes, we are lucky enough to have the entire set.) |
Ahhh, and here's a shot of our high-quality windows that look out
to other high-quality windows... Niiice. Be sure to note the lovely
avocado green appliances in the kitchen. Oh, and did I mention that the
oven dial has NO NUMBERS on it? I mean, how can you cook something
at 375 degrees when you have no idea what the temperature is?
I'm a bad enough cook as it is -- give me a fighting chance!
Numbers! I need NUMBERS! |
Speaking of windows... Here's a picture looking up at our bathroom windows.
Notice how the one in the middle isn't quite big enough to fit the frame?
You wouldn't think it would make a big difference, but considering the apartment
has no heating, you can really FEEL the cold wind when it comes a-whistlin'
through this gap! Especially at night. And especially when you've just
stepped out of the shower. Brrrrr! |
And here's Joel standing at the gate to our complex. That gate is a beeyatch
to open when we need to get the car out -- it has 4 different panels with hinges
and pegs that go in the ground and in the upper frame. UUUGH. |
Wish us luck on our hunt for the next casa! I will keep you posted on all of the fun we're having in our search and will post pics of the new place...wherever it may be. Until we meet again, stay thirsty my friends!
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