Let the feeding frenzy begin! |
Bread goes bad here --
fast. Especially bread that you buy at the bakery. We bought dinner rolls because, well, I was craving dinner rolls with beans. I know, I know -- it sounds weird but people eat a lot of black beans here. And black beans with dinner rolls is really pretty tasty. Anyhooo, there was no way we were able to eat all of the rolls and within a day or two, they were moldy. Eeew.
Chicken or turkey? Does anyone know for sure? |
On my way to walk the rescue dogs one day, I stopped at a yard on my street where I know chickens live. I started tossing them bits of bread thinking they might run away in fear. Oh, nooo -- it was just the opposite. Chickens, I discovered, are actually small pigs dressed up in feathers. They heard there was bread being tossed and they came from
everywhere. At first, it was just a few chickens. Then a couple of Mallard ducks joined in. Pretty soon, a mother hen (possibly a turkey? Look at the picture and tell me what you think) and her chicks came to the feast. There was even a weenie dog in the mix. It was a feeding frenzy. They came from all around -- up until that day, I had never seen a chicken or a duck
run, but now I can say that I have. And yeah, it looks as funny as you'd think. I also got to see a baby chick fight with a full-grown bad ass rooster for a piece of bread. I was surrounded. And outnumbered. At one point, there were probably 35 little creatures eating from the
Moldy Bread Feast of 2010. Lucky for me, none of them were carnivores (except maybe the weenie dog).
He's saying, "Feeeed meeee" with his eyes... |
I wish I had taken pictures as the buffet was taking place, but didn't realize I had my camera in my pocket until I was out of bread.
&*%$@! When I ran out of food, the animals who had once been singing (clucking) my praises left me like I was yesterday's dirty socks. I took pictures of the mother (turkey?) and her chicks (turklettes?) as they ran away. And yes, they
RAN. The weenie dog sat patiently at my feet waiting for me to find that
ONE LAST piece of bread and give it to him. (Sorry dude, I got nothin'!)
Anyway, I look forward to the next feeding frenzy -- and maybe next time I'll have my camera ready.
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