Ok, I'm counting down the days till I fly to Guatemala. Joel was able to find a used Subaru so we will have wheels to get us from Point A to Point B. And since it's 4wd, hopefully we won't be getting stuck in Potholes C & D or in Mudslides E & F.
I'm trying really hard to think of all the things I'll need down there. I knooow I'll forget something... Just trying to go through my list one thing at a time.
Here are some pictures of the place we'll be living. Pretty cute, huh? Joel joked with me the other night and said he sent me pictures of the wrong place and I nearly swallowed my tongue -- whaaaat? And he laughed and said he was kidding, so I only wanted to kill him a little bit after that. Yesterday he discovered that the yard has a lime, avacado, and banana tree (but not all on one plant -- that would make it a LimeAcadoNana Tree, right?), so if we end up completely broke, we will have limes, avacadoes and nanners to dine on. At least we won't get scurvy... And I can write a cookbook called, "99 Meals with Limes, Avacadoes & Bananas." Ha ha ha... like I would ever write a cookbook. Man, that's funny.
Jennifer - you are so funny! I wish you the best of luck! I also hope to visit you soon so we can eat bananas and drink Limonadas in your cute bungalow!